Julia is doing this new thing with drawers: she opens them, she puts something inside of them and then she closes them.
It's amazing!
I move with her along the length of our kitchen counter - drawer by drawer - offering her some random piece of clutter from the counter top so she has something to put away for mommy.
And drawer by drawer we go... She opens the drawer, she picks up the item I've offered her, she places it inside the drawer, she pushes the drawer closed, then she slides her body over to the next drawer to do it all again.
We sometimes get through 3-4 drawers before she loses interest.
I wonder to myself as I watch her, what's changed in her brain recently, what new pathway has formed, making this a thing she now does? I have no idea, I'm not that smart. But something changed, because this was not something she would do before, but now it is.
I think I could watch her do this with a thousand drawers and not lose interest.
A lot goes in to opening a drawer, putting something in and closing it. When you really think about it, it's a pretty complex task: seeing and planning and moving and pulling and picking and placing and pushing and repeating and on and on... A pretty complex task, that Julia now does - now, at age 10 - not before, because her brain wasn't ready before - but now, because her brain is ready now and so now she does this thing.
And I'm glad no one told me back when she was a tiny baby and I thought I needed to know things - that this is what she would be doing at age 10 and that I would be happy over it. Putting things in drawers?
I wouldn't have understood. My brain was not ready.
A lot goes in to separating from expectations and living in reality. When you really think about it, it's a pretty complex task: recognizing and feeling and honoring and grieving and seeing and loving and releasing and adjusting and embracing and on and on... A pretty complex task, that can't be done all at once because our brains aren't ready for everything all at once, they need time to change and form new pathways and get ready too.
So right now, it just happens to work out that Julia's brain is ready for putting things is drawers (!!!) and my brain is ready to celebrate whatever it is Julia's brain is ready for. We maybe weren't ready before for now, but we didn't need to be. And we maybe aren't yet ready now for what is next, but we don't need to be.
We are both perfectly ready for right now - just taking it drawer by drawer.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
5 Ways to be a Good Friend to a Mom of a Child with Special Needs
A few months ago, my best friend invited
me to speak to her MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group on the topic of "How to be a good friend to a mom of a kiddo with special needs."
I was
thrilled at the prospect of getting to share on this topic!
Over the years I have thought a lot about how grateful I am for all of the things (big and small) my close friends have done to be a good friend to me and hang in there with me through all the hard times. My plan was to speak about my own experiences - but I decided it would be a more valuable conversation if I could offer to my audience the perspectives and experiences of many moms of kids with special needs. So, I put a call out on Facebook to my all of my "special needs moms" friends and asked them, "What have your friends done over the years to be a good friend to you?"
Over the years I have thought a lot about how grateful I am for all of the things (big and small) my close friends have done to be a good friend to me and hang in there with me through all the hard times. My plan was to speak about my own experiences - but I decided it would be a more valuable conversation if I could offer to my audience the perspectives and experiences of many moms of kids with special needs. So, I put a call out on Facebook to my all of my "special needs moms" friends and asked them, "What have your friends done over the years to be a good friend to you?"
on their responses, I've put together my Top 5 List of Things You Can Do to be
a Good Friend to a Mom of a Child with Special Needs! (Drum roll
5. Teach
your kids about my kid.
For a
lot of us, (and this can of course vary), but for many of us, our
friend's kids are the only friend's our kid has. This is true in our case.
I am SO dependent on my friends kids to be Julia's friend.
means so much to me to have close friends who have done a good job of talking
to their kids about Julia, teaching them about how to be her friend and making
them feel comfortable when they are around Julia.
means my friends have had all the tough conversations with their kids again and
again in order to help them understand and keep Julia fresh in their minds so
that when they see her they are more comfortable with embracing her. I
can hardly put into words how much this means to us - to have little friends
who move towards Julia rather than away. Because out there in the world
it can be really tough to be a kid with special needs and find kids who
comfortable being your friend.
need our friend's kids to be our kid's friends, so if you will put the work in
to helping your kids love my kid, then you have been a really good friend to
4. Offer
to learn about my kid.
of the things several moms mentioned in response to my request is that they
really appreciate it when friends have asked "How can I learn more about
your kid?" "Is there a book I can read about the
diagnosis?" "Is there a video I can watch that will teach me
more about what you are working on or going through?"
who want to know more about the nitty gritty of what we are going through stand
out to us!
In my
own life, I've had friends ask, "Can I watch a video of her seizures so
that I know what they look like?" "Tell me what to do if I see
a seizure so I can help her and you."
moms mentioned it has meant a lot to them when friends offer to learn how to
take care of their kid so they babysit. This means a ton to mom's like me
because most of us aren't comfortable leaving our kids with hardly anyone
because our kids are so complex.
example a fellow mom shared was that one of her friends asked her "What
can I do to make my visits less anxiety provoking for your daughter, tell me
how I can come over and make it easier on her."
more thought on this particular strategy, I've found it to be especially
touching when a friend has shared with me how they have done something
differently because of what they have learned from us - for example, my friend
told me that she saw another special needs family at the park and in the past
she might have just not done anything or thought the best thing to do was to
not interact, but because of our relationship and all we had talked about over
the years, she knew that she should reach out and just say hi, so she went over and
talked to that family!
Letting us know how our story has impacted your life can
really be a boost!
3. Let us know we are not forgotten.
overwhelming tone of the feedback I received on this topic is that so many moms
of kids with special needs feel forgotten. Sometimes it can feel like the
world is passing us by and we are still here, doing our best, but we feel like
no one remembers.
And I
get it, I really do. Normal child development puts you with other
families who are also experiencing normal child development. For most
moms, your social world revolves around the connections your kids make with
other kids - this makes sense. But for moms of kids with special needs (and
dads and grandmas and grandpas...), you don't have those natural connections,
or they are so much harder to find - so that can lead to feeling like the world
is moving on without us.
I had
a friend ask me one time "How can I be a good friend to you?"
answer was, "I'm just afraid we are going to be left behind by
all that to say, anything you do to remind a mom of a child with special needs
that you remember her, is so valued! Texts, messages, cards, gifts - any
of those things may not seem like much or may seem fairly simple really do matter!
To a mom of a kid with special needs who is feeling lonely and forgotten
by the world, your attention in any form can be huge! I can't say enough
how ongoing reminders of "Hey there, I see you, I remember you!"
can mean to a mom like me.
2. Show
up and listen (no answers or advice needed).
please, please just show up! Swing by, say hi - that's all we need!
are off the hook in terms of needing to know what to say or have any answers - we
don't know the answers anyway - it's all unchartered territory for the most
part. But if you can just show up, ignore the chaos, ignore any bad behavior
coming from our child, and just sit with us and listen: let us vent, let us
cry, let us brag, let us whine - you will be giving us such a gift! If
you show up in your sweats and bring chocolate even better! But mainly
just having a friend who can sit and listen, who will validate the tough things
we are going through, without giving advice, is invaluable!
all need this - right? Moms of kids with special needs just really, really
need it - and most of the time we are dependent on you coming to us in order to get it.
So please, swing by, show up, hang out for a bit - lend us your ear, show
us some love - in doing that you are being such a
good friend to us!
1. Invite
us - please, please invite us!
overwhelmingly NUMBER ONE thing you can do to be a good friend to a mom of a child with special
needs is to INVITE HER to things. Invite her, invite her family -
just invite!!!!
probably won't come.
family probably won't come.
be offended - just keep inviting them!!!! The invitation matters!
is nothing more meaningful to moms like me and families like ours than getting
that invitation. It goes with some of the other things already mentioned on
this list - like reminding us we aren't forgotten and helping your kids be friends with our kid - that invitation means
SO, SO much! And over the years the invitations tend to stop. Friends assume
you can't come or your child wouldn't be able to attend (which could be very
true), so they just stop asking. And this then fuels that cycle of
So, if
you really want to be a good friend to a mom of a child with special needs,
just keep inviting her to do stuff - and don't worry if she can't come, leaves early, or cancels last minute because her kid is having a tough day - that is
just what happens - but know that you have done the meaningful part by extending her that invitation!!!!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this list and consider this topic! This has been a great reminder to me that I can always do a little more to care for my fellow moms. And you may not even currently know a mom of a child with special needs, but I guarantee you know a lonely mom - and any efforts you make to show her love will matter to her!
We cannot go wrong trying to care for each other.
We cannot go wrong trying to care for each other.
Below are the unedited (except for names) responses I received. The words of my fellow special needs moms speak volumes:
I think this comes with both what not to do and what a
person can do... I hate when friends ask 'well, can't you just____' when they
don't understand why it's hard for us to take S. out of the house, that there's
nowhere to change her, etc... they'll say 'well, can't you just change her on
the floor' or 'can't you just carry her up the steps to get into somewhere...
like if it were that easy, we hadn't thought of that already (we just do this
every day of our lives). What a friend can do is: being incredibly
understanding when a special needs mom has to cancel plans, isn't available
much, be happy/content to just visit with coffee in sweats if that's all their
friend has the energy for (because chances are they've been sleeping every
night for years whereas I for example haven't slept more than a couple to few
hours at a time for EIGHT YEARS). It's also nice when friends/family send cards
to S. or me, just letting us know that
they haven't forgotten about us is nice because many of our friends have unfortunately
and we never hear from them anymore.
Don't exclude us... we may arrive late to something, or
have to cancel last minute, but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate being
invited to things...
This is my big one. My
friends continue to go out and do things. When I see a picture or hear about it
they are like well we didn't think you could go. Key word "think".
Why not ask me and let me say no I can't but thanks for the invite. Thanks for
including me, thinking of me or remembering I'm here.
Invite us - even if you don't think we can come. Also,
don't tiptoe, just ask the questions!
Just listening, but not proclaiming they
"understand." I've had a friend compare having a child that's a
toddler to what I go through. But a friend that just listens and is there to
offer a hug and encouragement (preferably brings Diet Coke and chocolate) is
worth its weight in gold!
I miss the simple things, like a phone call to see how I'm
doing, I miss coffee dates, I miss a friend that says can I pick you up
anything from the store, I miss hugs when you get bad news, I miss human
interaction, I miss being included, I miss being thought about... I'm not sure
friends really exist for people like us anymore. I'm starting to lose my faith.
Don't sweat the behavior issues that come with our
challenges. Tell your own kids, and set the example of not showing shock and
discomfort... please. These infractions are small potatoes for a kid (and mom)
who needs to be loved by you. We have to pick our battles. Chances are I
correct him for it constantly and just need a break to ignore it for time to
visit with another adult!
If I'm whining, just let me whine about the latest thing
this week. But don't give me the whole pity party, just pretend you know what
I'm talking about. I'll get it out and then we can get on to more normal
conversation. I've always had a ton of respect for those I have found along the
way that don't know an ounce about what's going on but are willing to let my
whine and moan without pity in their voice or the wow shock factor in what is
going on. For us it's normal.
Offer to learn what you need to do so that you can watch
the special needs kiddo even for an hour occasionally. It shows that you care
about both the mom and the kiddo.
I had a friend ask if there were any books she could read to her son to help explain why my son needs a wheelchair, that was nice.
-just check in on us once in a while, even if it's just a text. And sometimes it doesn't have to be all about the kids either. Because we can't go out as easily means we do get forgotten sometimes.
-from the other side, I often have to remind myself to do some of these things in return. It can be so easy to get stuck in my own bubble...I need to do better at that!
I second this one...I had
a friend check out some books at the library just so she could learn more about
what our lives are like.....that was so special to me and has given us new
topics to talk about when we do have time to visit.
Bring wine and Kleenex and an open ear. Not to give advice,
but to give an ear
I say bring some coffee (and cookies or other treat) and
just come spend time with us. We need regular adult conversation.
Just come by and sit. Don't worry that the house is turned
upside down or worry we are busy. Just come. Just text to say you care. Two
seconds of your time goes a long way for emotional support to me.
Sometimes I just need someone to listen and agree with me
that it sucks that my son has kidney disease and it just doesn't seem fair.
Every now and then you need that vs. "everything is going to be OK"
or "he will be fine."
I also appreciate when people ask me/are interested in knowing about T.’s health issue. Don't be afraid to ask questions...it shows that you care and are interested!!!!
I also appreciate when people ask me/are interested in knowing about T.’s health issue. Don't be afraid to ask questions...it shows that you care and are interested!!!!
Give the parent of the special needs child lots of grace.
I just want to feel like a "normal" mom...I want
to commiserate...share successes and challenges...even if they are different
A couple of things that have really helped
me....sending me a text message when they saw something that made them think
about me...text me an encouraging quote or personalized verse....ie: S. can do
all things through Christ who strengthens her.....offering to stay up late so I
can call them after my son is in bed...the best time for me but too late to
call on the spur of the moment cuz it's after 10 pm, giving me a paper flower arrangement...brings
color and beauty into my life...but I don't have to take care if
it.....dropping off a frozen dinner or dump dinner kit....that I can make on
one if those nights when the day hasn't gone as planned....and being invited -
and understanding that I may not be able to respond on that first invite...but
that's really just my life that's keeping me being able to...your understanding
and still pursuing me is sometimes my only life line. Oh and if I ask you for
help with something that you can't do please say no...and then offer to find
some one for me who can...take the search for help off my hands...that is a
huge help.
I really believe that the most powerful way to be
supportive is to just acknowledge that what they face is hard. No platitudes.
Be a listening, non-advice giving (unless actually asked for) ear. Notice if a mom
is silent when around "typical" mom conversations. There are so many
times I have nothing to contribute because 1. my experience is so different
than typical or 2. I will be a major debbie downer. Also- I had a friend who
just dropped off a wine bottle labeled "for emergencies." It's little
things like that- meals during particularly hard times. funny memes. quick
messages of "I am thinking of you" etc. etc. Just showing up. And not
judging. We are all doing the best we can.
Knock on my door and bring me a cup of coffee. Offer to do
things at my house (like bring the party to me). I often feel guilty to leave
L. but wouldn't mind just having a grown up conversation. I have an amazing
friend that drops by with a ballon for L. and a bottle of wine for me. She gets
that I am not always in the mood to hang out or can't because I am busy with L.
but is cool with just checking in for 20 minutes with me.
I have a friend that has sent our family gift cards
to different restaurants every month for over 2 years (since G.’s cancer
diagnosis) to help ease some of the burden at home. This has been the BIGGEST
blessing when facing doctor appointments, school pickups, sick days or just
Let my kid spend some time with yours
Ask how to deal with my son should a situation arise.
Ask how to deal with my son should a situation arise.
1. Invite my kids to typical kids party and include them in
the activities.
2. My daughter with autism sits with a young couple at church. She loves it and it's also a huge break for us.
3. A friend would pick up my kiddo at school and hang out with her for an hour or two every few weeks.
4. A couple of friends have given my daughter piano lessons. She loves it and feels so proud of herself.
5. Acknowledge that my kids are different but love them for who they are.
6. Cry with me on the hard days and celebrate with me the small victories.
7. Advocate for others with disabilities, let my children inspire them to make a difference.
8.Pray for my kids with disabilities their typical siblings and my husband and myself. Special needs are challenging to the whole family.
2. My daughter with autism sits with a young couple at church. She loves it and it's also a huge break for us.
3. A friend would pick up my kiddo at school and hang out with her for an hour or two every few weeks.
4. A couple of friends have given my daughter piano lessons. She loves it and feels so proud of herself.
5. Acknowledge that my kids are different but love them for who they are.
6. Cry with me on the hard days and celebrate with me the small victories.
7. Advocate for others with disabilities, let my children inspire them to make a difference.
8.Pray for my kids with disabilities their typical siblings and my husband and myself. Special needs are challenging to the whole family.
1) Always inviting us to events/activities AND never taking
it personally when we decline because the invitation/event doesn't work for our
family. Let us make the decision about what we can or cannot do.
2) Treating our child just like any other child.
3) Accepting our entire family without our daughter's disability being a THING. We're different, our friends know that, accept us anyway and don't make a big deal about our differences.
4) Listen with love.
5) Don't judge.
6) Focus on the positive, what our child can do, learning to do, etc.
2) Treating our child just like any other child.
3) Accepting our entire family without our daughter's disability being a THING. We're different, our friends know that, accept us anyway and don't make a big deal about our differences.
4) Listen with love.
5) Don't judge.
6) Focus on the positive, what our child can do, learning to do, etc.
The #1 thing that my friends have done for me is include my
daughter in activities with their kids. It absolutely makes her happy. Most of
the time other kids will not play with her because she's different and does not
talk. It breaks my heart. My friends kids will take her by the hand and help
Teach your kids that compassion is cool. Helping others is
cool. Sit with our kids at lunch because someday they may just be their boss or
co worker.
Being eager to learn all they can about my child's
disability so they can understand how best to support her and us.
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